Goal 1: Increase the number and quality of First Home Loans
Offer mortgage products that meet the needs of first-time homebuyers
Streamline the mortgage origination process
Effectively market the First Home Loan program to eligible borrowers
Increase the number of lenders and enhance the lender network
Develop new programs to meet homebuyer needs and opportunities
Improve loan quality and reduce the number of delinquencies and foreclosures
Expand and improve homeownership education both pre- and post-purchase
Goal 2: Increase Affordable Housing Development
Target housing development to communities that provide opportunity and long term sustainability
Balance the need for housing in both urban and rural areas of the state and identify th population(s) to be served based on a needs analysis
Identify required housing development characteristics and create incentives for preferred characteristics
Manage the cost of development
Expand housing development options
Provide developer training and educational opportunities to improve the quality of proposals
Develop relationships with organizations that provide services to housing developments
Streamline and improve the processes for applying for and analyzing the results of housing development investments
Goal 3: Ensure the long term sustainability of MaineHousing’s multifamily portfolio
Maintain and improve the physical condition of multi-family projects
Ensure long term financial sustainability and affordability
Improve business processes and practices to focus on managing and preserving housing assets
Upgrade properties to support aging in place, accessibility, and energy efficiency
Provide training and technical assistance to property managers
Enhance the Resident Services Coordinator role
Goal 4: Help Maine people stay safe and warm in their homes and apartments
Ensure that federal and state energy assistance benefits are fully expended in a timely manner
Improve housing quality and accessibility and reduce environmental hazards in the home
Improve the effectiveness of program delivery with Community Action Agencies and other organizations
Ensure MaineHousing-supported rental units meet rigorous inspection standards
Enhance relationships with landlords and property managers
Goal 5: Reduce the length of time and the number of Maine people experiencing homelessness using best practice methods of Housing First and Rapid Rehousing
Guide and support policy development and collaborative efforts that further best practice methods of Housing First and Rapid Rehousing
Provide operating and performance incentive funding to shelters
Seek and support innovative efforts to reduce homelessness
Provide training and professional development to homeless providers
Use research and improve the quality of data to make service and funding decisions
Offer priority for rental assistance in the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program to applicants who are homeless and move them quickly into housing
Provide financial support to enable homeless applicants to lease rental units
Goal 6: Improve housing stability for Maine people at risk
Increase efforts to prevent homelessness and support stability for people at risk
Provide support to participants and landlords to prevent evictions
Offer performance funding to homeless shelters through Emergency Shelter Housing Assistance Program for success in achieving housing stability
Pilot and test promising approaches
Assist participants in the Housing Choice Voucher program in locating and leasing homes that best meet their family’s needs
Assist participants in the Housing Choice Voucher program in moving toward financial
Coordinate all MaineHousing programs to maximize the benefits for low income households
Provide technical assistance and training to ensure shelters are achieving performance outcomes
Goal 7: Promote inclusive, sustainable communities that support viable affordable housing
Partner more directly with municipalities and community-based organizations
Aid municipalities and community-based organizations in creating opportunities for affordable housing
Direct MaineHousing’s resources to communities with viable services and supports
Support the use of technology to link housing with community and other resources*
Develop innovative housing models and financing options to meet community needs
Educate, promote, and advocate for inclusive, fair housing opportunities
Goal 8: Lead and support collaborative efforts to address Maine’s
housing needs
Apply a data driven approach to identifying housing needs
Convene statewide policy forums and community dialogues and listen to the voice of the customers and partners
Expand collaborative initiatives with our partners that test and demonstrate effective approaches to addressing housing needs
Enhance the reputation and recognition of MaineHousing as a premier housing organization
Goal 9: Ensure the long-term financial viability of MaineHousing
Maintain healthy annual margins; increase fund balances in the Mortgage Purchase Program
Be prepared to respond to changes in federal and state funding
Address any weakness displayed in the rating agencies’ stress test cash flow runsMaintain effective relationships with rating agencies
Goal 10: Become an efficient, effective organization that people want
to work for and do business with
Develop and maintain a high performing and dedicated workforce; become a learning organization
Plan for succession and enhance leadership opportunities for MaineHousing employees
Plan, design, and deliver a quality workplace for MaineHousing employees
Embed a culture of continuous improvement throughout the organization and continually improve business processes
Establish and implement a process that prioritizes and advances our investment in technology and supports key business processes
Continually identify and respond to the agency’s business risks, problems, and opportunities