Homeless Initiatives

Are you looking for homeless resources in your area?  View the MaineHousing Emergency Shelter and Homelessness Resources List available here.  


General Contact Info

Email Me

(207) 501-5958

Financial Contact Info

Email Me

Training Contact Info

If you are in need of HMIS or Homeless Initiatives program training, please complete the Training Request Form  and email it to [email protected] the contact below:

Homeless Provider Programs

Data & Reports

MaineHousing collects various forms of data from our partners through the Maine Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) and agency administrative data. Using HMIS and administrative data the dashboards in this section display this information to parameters defined by the CoC, HUD, and MaineHousing.

Financial Reporting





Title Type Size
2023-2025 LTS Financial Reporting Form xlsx 51 KB Download2023-2025 LTS Financial Reporting Form
2023-2025 LTS Progress Reporting Form xlsx 49 KB Download2023-2025 LTS Progress Reporting Form
2024-2025 Warming Shelter Expense Reporting Form xlsx 49 KB Download2024-2025 Warming Shelter Expense Reporting Form
2024-2027 LB Financial Expense Reporting Form xlsx 51 KB Download2024-2027 LB Financial Expense Reporting Form
2024-2027 Opioid Program Expense Form xlsx 54 KB Download2024-2027 Opioid Program Expense Form
2025 Housing Problem Prog Operating Expenses Financial Reporting Form- Quarterly xlsx 13 KB Download2025 Housing Problem Prog Operating Expenses Financial Reporting Form- Quarterly
2025 Housing Problem Solving Direct Client Assistance Expenses Form xlsx 51 KB Download2025 Housing Problem Solving Direct Client Assistance Expenses Form
2025 Housing Problem Solving Landlord-Agency Attestation pdf 1483 KB Download2025 Housing Problem Solving Landlord-Agency Attestation
2025 TRRP Landlord-Agency Attestation pdf 1419 KB Download2025 TRRP Landlord-Agency Attestation
2025 TRRP Reimbursement Request Form xlsx 194 KB Download2025 TRRP Reimbursement Request Form
2025-2026 LTS Financial Reporting Form xlsx 52 KB Download2025-2026 LTS Financial Reporting Form
2025-2026 LTS Progress Reporting Form xlsx 51 KB Download2025-2026 LTS Progress Reporting Form
Blank_LD258 PartK - Quarterly Reporting Form xlsx 119 KB DownloadBlank_LD258 PartK - Quarterly Reporting Form
Blank_State ARPA Shelter Funds Quarterly Reporting Form 12.28.21 xlsx 120 KB DownloadBlank_State ARPA Shelter Funds Quarterly Reporting Form 12.28.21
Rental Gap Funding Expense Reporting Form xls 76 KB DownloadRental Gap Funding Expense Reporting Form


The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires that every Continuum of Care work together to implement a shared data system designed to provide an un-duplicated count of homeless individuals, information on the number of people who are homeless, related demographics, and their needs over time. In Maine, development of an HMIS system is part of a larger strategic vision and dedicated statewide system which will allow agencies to share information for the purpose of better serving the needs of people who are homeless.

Visit the Maine HMIS website to connect with the team or request training resources at: www.MaineHMIS.org

Homeless Initiatives uses Bridge, an online Learning Management System (LMS), to deliver training to HMIS End Users. To receive access to training courses, submit a completed HMIS User Agreement form. If you are already an HMIS End User, please contact the HMIS Help Desk for access.

New User

Maine HMIS Governance Documents

Please visit the MaineHMIS.org website to obtain these documents.

Home To Stay

MaineHousing, in partnership with housing assistance agencies throughout the state, offers Housing Choice Vouchers through the Home to Stay Program for individuals and families who are homeless and seeking permanent housing. 

Referral Documents

Application Documents

Briefing Documents

Homeless Service Hubs

What is a Homeless Response Hub?

The State of Maine has launched nine Homeless Response Service Hubs in the state. The Hubs are the outcome of efforts by the Statewide Homeless Council, in collaboration with MaineHousing, the Maine Continuum of Care, and other stakeholders in restructuring Maine’s homelessness response system. In 2021, the Council recommended the creation of nine regional service hubs, each staffed by a Hub Coordinator.

Hub 1:York
Hub 2: Cumberland
Hub 3: Midcoast: Sagadahoc, Knox, Lincoln, Waldo counties and Towns of Brunswick and Harpswell
Hub 4: Androscoggin
Hub 5: Western: Oxford, Franklin counties and Towns of Livermore and Livermore Falls
Hub 6: Central: Somerset and Kennebec
Hub 7: Penquis: Penobscot and Piscataquis
Hub 8: Downeast: Washington and Hancock
Hub 9:Aroostook


The Homeless Response Hubs are collaborative multi-agency teams devoted to continuous improvement of the Homeless Response System, driven by quality data. Hub teams identify gaps and inconsistencies by working with a cross-sector team of service providers, municipalities, housing providers, people with lived experience, and others who interact with people experiencing homelessness. The Hubs operate within their geographic areas, in conjunction with Statewide efforts, through dedicated communication and collaboration. The Hub agencies facilitate a more direct and coordinated path to housing for individuals and families experiencing homelessness.  Using creative solutions, Hubs strive to solve homelessness by reaching and sustaining functional zero, ensuring that homelessness is short and infrequent.

There is a growing list of other agencies and providers being connected to the work, in order to ensure all aspects of the homeless response system are coordinated – e.g. General Assistance/municipalities, schools, police departments, corrections, health care providers, mental health providers, substance use programs, etc.

What is Built for Zero?

The hubs are part of a national effort called Built for Zero, which focuses on the homeless response system as a whole, bringing all partners together to solve homelessness. Using this framework, each of the 9 service hubs have the following goals:

  • Creating a quality by-name list of everyone experiencing homelessness in each hub, including their specific needs and housing preferences
  • Improving communication and coordination between providers
  • Identifying barriers and gaps in the system
  • Testing solutions for barriers
  • Advocating for resources to fill the gaps
  • Streamlining the system so that people who need assistance are quickly connected to the agency or resource that fits best

As a whole the State set the following statewide long term targets:

  • By June 30, 2024
    • Reach quality data statewide for single adults, youth and families
  • By June 30, 2025
    • Reach Functional Zero statewide for Veterans
  • By June 30, 2026  
    • Reach Functional Zero statewide for Chronic homelessness
    • Reduce homelessness for All Single Adults by 25%

 What is a Hub Coordinator?

The Hub Coordinator serves as neutral backbone support for the implementation and maintenance of Hub-level collaborative work and does not serve on behalf of any specific agency within the Hub. The position works with the Statewide Homeless Council, the Maine Continuum of Care, and MaineHousing to coordinate homeless planning efforts.

The Hub Coordinator works with providers to populate a By-Name Data Set (also By-Name List) of all people experiencing homelessness in the Hub Service Area. This data is used to get a more accurate count of people, assess their specific situations, and assisting them as quickly as possible. This will also provide better support to advocate for additional resources needed to make homelessness rare, brief, and one-time.

  • Additionally, the Hub Coordinator responsibilities include:
  • Convening and facilitating collaboration among providers in hub service area to identify resource needs and strategize solutions
  • Collaborating with providers to achieve quality data
  • Implementing and managing Coordinated Entry processes for the Maine Continuum of Care (MCoC)
  • Leading a continuous improvement process for hub activities
  • Coordinating the Unsheltered annual Point in Time count for the MCoC

If you’d like to get involved, please contact your local Hub Coordinator: 

Maine Continuum of Care (MCoC)

What is a Continuum of Care?
A Continuum of Care is a group of service providers in a particular geographic area who work together in a collaborative planning process to develop programs that address homelessness. Continuums can apply to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for McKinney-Vento funding to support these programs. Local agencies wishing to access these funds must do so through their Continuum’s annual CoC NOFA application process. Continuum of Care funds may be used for projects under five program components: Permanent Housing, Transitional Housing, Supportive Services, HMIS, and, in some limited cases, Homelessness Prevention.

The Maine Continuum of Care (MCOC) covers the entire State of Maine and supports projects throughout the region. The mission of the MCOC is to plan and coordinate an inclusive system that helps Maine people avoid or exit quickly from homelessness, and to address the underlying causes of homelessness. Applying for HUD CoC funding is one way to work toward that goal. The 2017 MCOC NOFA Application brought $12,932,975 to the state.


MCOC Membership

The Maine Continuum of Care has open membership for all individuals and/or organizations within the State of Maine that have an interest in, and subscribe to, the mission and policies of the MCOC and who, through their participation, will contribute to MCOC’s ability to carry out its mission. Membership is free and is open to the public. There are usually about 30 different organizations represented at any given meeting, ranging from state government agencies to small non-profit grassroots groups. 

Each member of the MCOC is a vital link in a collaborative community network, and as such, shares in ideas, concerns and decisions regarding the development, and deployment of resources to address the needs of people who are homeless and those at risk of becoming homeless. Organizations that receive CoC or ESG (Emergency Solutions Grant) funding are expected to be members in good standing of their local Continuum of Care in order to continue to be eligible for funding. To be in good standing, and eligible to vote at MCOC, an organization must have been represented during at least 6 of the previous 12 regular meetings.

MCOC Meetings

The Maine Continuum of Care meets regularly on the third Thursday of each month from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Because MCOC is a statewide entity and wants to encourage and support participation from all areas of the state, meetings utilize a video teleconferencing system to connect up to seven different meeting sites, located at MaineHousing and at several Public Libraries. There is also a phone in option for those not able to travel to one of the teleconferencing locations.

Please visit www.mainehomelessplanning.org where you will more information about MCOC and other topics related to homelessness in Maine. We encourage everyone to subscribe this site (by simply providing an email address) in order to receive automatic notices whenever new information is made available, such as meeting reminders, agendas, minutes, and other materials. There are currently more than 1600 subscribers!

If you have any questions or would like more information please contact:  

Scott Tibbitts
CoC Planning & Grants Coordinator 
Email Me


Additional Information: 


  • HUD Continuum of Care Information
  • MCOC Structure
    • Governance
      • The MCOC Governance outlines the rules and processes the group has agreed to follow in order to function as smoothly and effectively as possible.
    • Committees
      • MCOC relies on a number of committees to focus on particular tasks, topics, or populations. Detailed descriptions of each standing committee are included in the MCOC Governance
    • CoC Board of Directors
      • The efforts of the MCOC are overseen and guided by our Board of Directors.
    • Collaborative Applicant
      • HUD requires that each Continuum of Care appoint a Collaborative Applicant to organize, assemble, and submit all the various components of the annual NOFA Application, including Project level and Continuum wide level information, on behalf of the Continuum. MCOC has approved MaineHousing to fulfill this role. In addition to the work directly related to the application process, MaineHousing provides ongoing clerical, administrative, and logistical support to MCOC.

Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO)


MaineHousing is responsible for monitoring subrecipient agencies for compliance. MaineHousing program officers conduct annual monitoring of programs, as well as ongoing compliance consultation as needed. Contained in this section is what you need to know in order to be ready for a monitoring visit.

Contact Info

Email Me

Emergency Shelter and Housing Assistance Program (ESHAP)

MaineHousing provides grants to emergency shelters and agencies serving people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. This funding is allocated to sub-recipients as the Emergency Shelter and Housing Assistance Program (ESHAP), and is made up of three shares: Shelter Operations Share, Stabilization Share, and Performance Share.

ESHAP Program Application

Applications materials will appear in this section during the program's annual application period, which typically happens during the late fall. 

Stability Through Engagement Program / Tenant Based Rental Assistance (STEP / TBRA)

The STEP Program offers housing subsidy to facilitate the rapid re-housing of individuals and families that meet the HUD homeless status eligibility outlined in 42 USC § 11302 and participating in the Emergency Shelter and Housing Program (ESHAP). MaineHousing collaborates with local service providers to assist in access to and delivery of the program in their community.

The STEP Program is administered by MaineHousing’s Housing Choice Voucher Department according to the Administrative Plan for the Stability Through Engagement Program (STEP) and Maine Rapid Re-Housing Tenant Based Rental Assistance Program (Maine TBRA).

Prior to accessing or applying for STEP Certificates for households, you must receive a certificate for taking the following Annual Training in the Homeless Initiatives Academy:

STEP Application

STEP Briefing

STEP Landlord Packet

STEP Resources

STEP Forms

Statewide Homeless Council

The Statewide Homeless Council is designed to coordinate and establish statewide policies on homelessness, including providing leadership to end homelessness, developing an educational campaign, and making policy and program recommendations to the Governor, Legislature, and MaineHousing. Other members are the Director of MaineHousing and three representatives from each of the three regions of the state.


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26 Edison Drive, Augusta Maine 04330
(800) 452-4668 | (207) 626-4600
Fax: (207) 626-4678 | Maine Relay 711